Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Joy of Tweeting

I never saw myself becoming so involved in online social media. E-mail led me to instant messaging, which led me to MySpace, to Facebook. A recent study abroad to Vienna, Austria introduced me to the benefits of blogging, not only as a vehicle of communication, but also as an online journal. I thought I was done there -- guess again. Bored one night earlier this summer, my friend Conrad introduced me to my favorite form of online social media yet: Twitter.

After about a month and a half of tweeting (yes, that's what it's called), it's safe to say that I am shamelessly and irrevocably addicted to Twitter. The medium provides me with constant updates from friends and organizations of my choice. For example, I follow the National Geographic Society, the Discovery Channel, the Oregon Zoo, Friends of the Earth and the World Wildlife Fund, to name a few. And, even more exciting, the National Geographic Society and Friends of the Earth are following me! In other words, whenever I update my Twitter, they see what I write! Like my blog, most of my tweets are centered around environmental issues. However, instead of my usually long (and hopefully not rambling) blog entries, all tweets are limited to 140 characters.

Each time I sign on (which is multiple times a day, and probably unhealthy), not only am I updated on my friends' lives, but I also learn about all of the latest happening in the animal kingdom and the conservation world. In fact, these days most of my news comes from Twitter.

For those of you not yet familiar with Twitter, I highly recommend becoming involved with the easy-to-use communication tool. If nothing else, it will open your eyes to a new source for collecting your daily news on issues you care about.

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